
September 29th, 2019
Formation Class

Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his class on introductory apologetics, Reasonable Faith, with a discussion of the "argument from design." Does the complexity of our natural world argue for a creator? An intelligent designer? Can it have arisen by chance? What is Christianity's claim, and does it make sense?

September 22nd, 2019

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Luke 16, in which Jesus tells an odd parable about a dishonest manager. When we are generous, we are generous with what is God's. In the same way, Jesus is generous with his master's possession, giving us God's own goodness, which alone can save us.

September 22nd, 2019
Formation Class

Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his class on apologetics, Reasonable Faith, with a discussion of what's known as "the cosmological argument." In other words, how does the universe itself show us that there is a God? And what can it tell us about him?

September 15th, 2019

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Luke 15, in which Jesus tells a story about a lost sheep and a lost coin. There is much joy in heaven, he says, over a sinner who repents. But...does that make the Good News dependent on your repentance? Does it make the Good News less good? fact, even repentance is a good work that God accomplishes in you, not something you have to create in yourself.

September 15th, 2019
Formation Class

Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his basic apologetics class "Reasonable Faith" with a continued discussion of the interaction of reason and faith. They are not adversaries, they are friends.

September 8th, 2019

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Deuteronomy 30, in which Moses asks the people to make a choice: follow God and prosper, turn away and die. Is there Good News for those of us who continually make bad choices? Or who can't follow through on our good intentions? Yes, it's the finished work of Jesus Christ.

September 8th, 2019
Formation Class

Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his class, Reasonable Faith, with a discussion of the interaction between faith and reason. Reason and faith, he argues, are not opposed, as some (like Richard Dawkins) claim. In fact, faith can be quite reasonable.

September 1st, 2019

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Luke 14, in which Jesus observes guests at a dinner party scrambling for honorable seats. Those who seek to exalt themselves will be humbled, he cautions. Here, he's talking about us. Those who seek to humble themselves, however, will be exalted. Here, he's talking about himself.

September 1st, 2019
Formation Class

Dr. Michael Nicholson begins his class, Reasonable Faith, with a discussion of the secularity of our current age. Why is it important to know what you believe and why you believe it? Why do we need to be prepared to have an explanation for the faith that is within us? Is our faith reasonable after all? Answers to these questions are demanded of us by the secular world in which we live.

August 25th, 2019
Formation Class

Refuge International's Louisville Site Director Matt Mihelic presents Refuge and its ministry to Grace Church. Learn what they do and how you can get involved.

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