
March 25th, 2020
Formation Class

Using Sally Lloyd-Jones' THE JESUS STORYBOOK BIBLE, Pastor Nick and Charlie share a devotion about how Jesus doesn't just help us face the struggles in our lives, he actually fights (and wins) in our place.

March 22nd, 2020

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on John 9, in which Jesus heals a man born blind. That man decides that, while there is a lot about Jesus he doesn't understand and that is perhaps difficult to believe, the most important thing is that Jesus has given him his sight. In the same way, Jesus has opened our eyes. That means everything.

March 20th, 2020
Formation Class

Using Sally Lloyd-Jones's THE JESUS STORYBOOK BIBLE, Nick and Hazel Lannon share a devotion about God's ability, in Christ, to overcome the storms of our lives.

March 15th, 2020

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Romans 5, in which Paul urges us to rejoice in our sufferings, and John 4, in which Jesus has a profound interaction with a Samaritan woman. It is only when our sufferings show us our helplessness and needs that we can rejoice: they point the way to our savior.

March 8th, 2020

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Numbers 21, in which the wandering Israelites are oppressed by poisonous snakes, and John 3, in which Jesus compares his own "lifting up" to the bronze serpent Moses lifts up in the wilderness, saving the people. Jesus is most exalted by being laid low; he saves us by being sacrificed on our behalf.

March 8th, 2020
Formation Class

Michael Neal continues our Formation class on Genesis 1-11 with a close look at the disturbing story in Genesis 9 about Ham "seeing" Noah's nakedness. What on earth is going on here? And is there possibly any Good News to be had in it?

March 1st, 2020

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Genesis 2-3, in which the serpent tempts Eve, and Matthew 4, in which Jesus is tempted in the wilderness. These two stories show us the Good News: that where we fall prey to doubt and sin, Jesus is faithful to the end.

February 26th, 2020

On Ash Wednesday, the Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Matthew 6, in which Jesus cautions his followers not to draw attention to their acts of devotion. So what are we doing putting ash on our foreheads? Well, this ash is an admission of weakness, of humanity, of the need for a savior. Thankfully, in 40 days, we'll celebrate that savior's finished work.

February 23rd, 2020

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Matthew 17:1-9, in which Jesus is transfigured on the mountaintop. The law and the prophets, while both glorious, might as well have no glory at all compared to the surpassing glory of the Good News of God in Christ: the salvation of sinners.

February 23rd, 2020
Formation Class

Micah Childs continues our Formation study of Genesis 1-11 with a look at what God has to say about men, women, and the relationship between them, especially marriage. What does God's word say about us? About him? And where is the Good News in all of it?

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