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Sunday Morning

The Sunday morning worship service is the primary way in which we are formed as disciples. Each week, we come before a holy God, sing his praises, confess our sins, read the Bible, hear the Good News about Jesus Christ, and celebrate God's forgiveness of our sins in Holy Communion, eating bread and drinking wine that symbolize Jesus' body and blood, broken and shed for us. God promised us that his Word would accomplish his purposes (Isaiah 55), and our worship in Word and Table is a major way in which we are conformed to his image. See more about what to expect on Sunday mornings HERE.

In addition to corporate worship, there are several ways we are formed as disciples on Sunday mornings. This formation time begins following the worship service (and coffee and fellowship time) at 11am, and lasts until 11:45 am. Scroll down the page for details about each formation offering.

  • Youth and Adult Bible Study/Formation Class (6th grade and older)

  • The Exploration Class (6th grade and older, Spring Only)

  • The Youth Confirmation Class (6th-12th grade, Fall Only)

  • The Biblical Worldview Class (6th grade and older, Fall Only)

  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Sunday school for ages 3-6)

  • Junior Sunday School (age 7-2nd grade)

  • Senior Sunday School (3rd-5th grade)

  • Grace Kids Nursery (children younger than kindergarten)

Youth and Adults - The Book of Revelation

The book of Revelation is famously one of the most difficult and controversial books of the Bible. It depicts strange supernatural scenes inhabited by angels, bizarre beasts, and demonic creatures. Everyone knows it has something to do with the end of the world, which many find dismaying. But what Revelation meant to its original author and readers, and how it applies to us today, seems difficult to grasp. Yet understanding and taking to heart “the words of this prophecy” (Rev. 1:3) is meant to provide the “blessing” of encouragement to the Church and faithful believers in a world of trouble and turmoil.

Through a series of startling visions, the apostle John received a “revelation of Jesus Christ” which shows him, and us, how human history will unfold in the redemption of believers, the judgment of the world, and the final triumph of Jesus Christ. “Apocalypse"—the book’s title in the original Greek—means an unveiling or disclosure of what was hidden and concealed. Revelation pulls back the curtain of everyday experience to show us the deeper reality of human history and the coming kingdom of heaven.

This class will meet in the Cooke Hall worship space (for the campus map, see the diagram on the "What to Expect" page).

The Exploration Class (Spring Only)

Each Spring, Pastor Nick leads The Exploration Class, which is a wonderful opportunity to get to know more about what makes Grace Anglican tick. The class runs for 13 weeks, and covers everything we care about, from "the basics" like "Who is Jesus?" and "What is the Gospel?" to things like how the Anglican church is structured and how it came to be. This class will meet in the Art & Music Building (for the campus map, see the diagram on the What to Expect page). 

Note: The Exploration Class is required for those seeking to become members of Grace Church and for confirmation (a ceremonial rite in which a mature believer "confirms" the faith that was celebrated at their baptism). Confirmation (or "reception," if you are confirmed in another Church) is required to become an official member of or to seek ordination in the ACNA (our denomination), or to serve on the vestry (the council of advice that supports and works with the pastor) of Grace Church. For completion, you must personally attend at least nine out of the thirteen weeks of the class. If you aren't able to make this commitment, we hope you can attend the next Exploration Class.

2025 Exploration Class Schedule:

  • January 26 - Who is Jesus?

  • February 2 - No Class (Budget meeting)

  • February 9 - What is the Gospel?

  • February 23 - What is the Bible?

  • March 2 - What is Anglicanism?

  • March 9 - Reformation Anglicanism is Apostolic

  • March 16 - Reformation Anglicanism is Catholic

  • March 23 - Reformation Anglicanism is...well, Reformational

  • March 30 - Reformation Anglicanism is Episcopal

  • April 6 - Reformation Anglicanism is Liturgical

  • April 13 - No Class (Palm Sunday)

  • April 20 - No Class (Easter Sunday)

  • April 27 - Reformation Anglicanism is Sacramental

  • May 4 - Reformation Anglicanism is Transformational

  • May 11 - Reformation Anglicanism is Mission-Focused

  • May 18 - Exploring Grace Anglican

Youth Confirmation Class (Fall Only)

Confirmation is the rite by which a believer "confirms" for him- or herself the faith that was claimed for them at their baptism. It's a public recognition that the work of formation that the church has done has resulted in genuine faith. The bishop comes and lays hands on the confirmand, asking God to defend him with his heavenly grace, that he may continue God's forever, and daily increase in the Holy Spirit more and more until he comes into the fullness of God's everlasting kingdom. In order to prepare for this rite (and to ensure that youth are adequately able to express and own their faith), the Youth Confirmation Class discusses key points of Christian belief: "Who is Jesus?," "What is the Gospel?," "What are the Creeds?," "What are the Sacraments?," and finally, "What is Confirmation?" This class will meet for five weeks in the Art & Music Building (for the campus map, see the diagram on the What to Expect page). NOTE: adults seeking confirmation are required to attend The Exploration Class.

A Biblical Worldview (Fall Only)

As the world outside our doors seems to tear itself apart over issues of identity, sexuality, justice, and gender/gender roles, it is important for churches to be thinking about a more active catechesis on these so-called “issues of the day” and how a Christian with a solidly biblical worldview should perceive them. In his book Live Not By Lies, Rod Dreher suggests that—more and more—churches and families are going to have to be “resistance cells” against the world’s false gospels about identity, sexuality, justice, and gender. In a sense, that's the purpose of this class: to strengthen our resistance cell.

More accurately, we’re going to be proclaiming the Good News in the face of the world’s bad news, and helping equip you to proclaim it within your own families and in your own lives. This class, led by Pastor Nick, will meet in the Art & Music Building (for the campus map, see the diagram on the What to Expect page). 

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (ages 3-6)

These young children are particularly capable of receiving and enjoying the most essential elements of our faith—the announcement of God’s love especially experienced through Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who died and is risen. Materials on the life of Jesus Christ and his teachings help to make the mystery of God concrete for the child. The heart of this class revolves around the Parable of the Good Shepherd. Jesus announces that he is the Good Shepherd who calls each one by name. The sheep listen to the voice of the Shepherd and follow him.

In this class, children enter the mystery of the Eucharist by first learning the names of the articles used on the table and then through the most important gestures including the preparation of the chalice, the epiclesis and offering, and the sign of peace. Through the experience of seeing these gestures, presented one by one, the communion service emerges as the Sacrament of the Gift. The children become acquainted with the historical character of the liturgy through the events of the Last Supper, Christ’s death, and His resurrection.

Our trained catechists are Whitney Neal and Kattie Peercy.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd meets in the basement of Cooke Hall. Please check your children in and out at the nursery check-in table. For a campus map, see the What to Expect page.

Junior Sunday School (Age 7-2nd grade)

This group will be using the Gospel Project curriculum. This material is all about the gospel because the gospel is all about Jesus. This chronological Bible study follows God’s gospel project as it unfolds from Genesis to Revelation, helping kids study God's word in an age-appropriate way.

This class meets in the Art & Music Building. For a campus map, see the What to Expect page.

Senior Sunday School (3rd-5th Grade)

This class will be doing a study of Matthew's Gospel account of the life and ministry of Jesus.

This class meets in the Cooke Hall library. For a campus map, see the What to Expect page.

Grace Kids Nursery

Children of all ages are always welcome in the service; coloring sheets and crayons are provided. For your convenience, our nursery (which opens at 9:15 am) is available for children who have not yet started kindergarten and can be found in the Art & Music building. A nursery volunteer will be available at check-in to help you figure out where to go. For a campus map, see the What to Expect page. The nursery is open until 11:00am during the summer (when there are no Formation offerings) and until 12:00pm during the school year (when there are).

We have a computerized check-in system at the nursery; each child will receive a sticker with a unique alpha-numeric code that matches a sticker given to the parent. We have background-checked and trained nursery volunteers. The safety of your child is our first priority.

Well Child Policy

We know kids get sick! While sharing is a good thing, sharing illness isn’t so fun. If your child has any of the following symptoms, we ask that they rest at home or with parents during worship: 

  • Temperature of 100 degrees or higher in the last 24 hours

  • Vomiting in the last 24 hours

  • Diarrhea in the last 24 hours

  • Severe Coughing in the last 24 hours

  • Colored nasal drainage

  • Pink eye

  • Head lice

  • Undiagnosed rash

  • Open skin lesions

  • Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (last 14 days)

  • Any infectious disease