Pray through Lent with us! View or Download our 40-day Deanery devotional.

What to Expect

We meet in a school. 

Our church service is at 9:30am on Sunday mornings in Cooke Hall (the building with columns at the top of the hill) at Highlands Latin School (Spring Meadows Campus). When you pull up to the school, don't worry; you're in the right place! For exactly what to look for, see the campus map below. 

We’re a brand-new church.

We’ve only existed since September 2018 (and we’ve only been at Highlands Latin since October of 2021), so we’re still figuring out what works best for us. Sometimes, things don’t work exactly the way we expect, but we worship our savior just the same. We’re flexible. 

Things are easy to find and well-marked. 

As you turn onto the Highlands Latin campus from Shelbyville Rd, proceed straight up the hill. The worship service and Adult Formation happen in Cooke Hall; nursery care (all morning) and children's Sunday school (after church) is in the Art & Music Building. Parking is available in several places on campus; see the map below. As you enter the main door of Cooke Hall, the worship space will be down a hallway directly in front of you. Bathrooms are close by, down the same hallway. You will see a welcome table with name tags, service bulletins, and other information. There is clear signage that will help you find your way. See the campus map below to get your bearings.

We care about your kids. 

Children of all ages are always welcome in the service; coloring sheets and crayons are provided. For your convenience, our nursery (which opens at 9:15) is available for children who have not yet started kindergarten. We have a computerized check-in system at the nursery; each child will receive a sticker with a unique alpha-numeric code that matches a sticker given to the parent. We have background-checked and trained nursery staff. The safety of your child is our first priority. 

We are a "liturgical" church. 

A "liturgy" means that the order in which we do worship is set for us; Anglicans have been worshiping in the same way for hundreds of years! Each week, we come before a holy God, sing his praises, confess our sins, read the Bible, hear the Good News about Jesus Christ, and celebrate God's forgiveness of our sins in Holy Communion, eating bread and drinking wine that symbolize Jesus' body and blood, broken and shed for us. There is a service bulletin available as you enter the worship space that includes everything you'll need to participate fully in the service. 

Come as you are. 

People wear all different kinds of clothes to worship at Grace. Wear what makes you comfortable. You'll see everything from sports coats to shorts. 

Our musical style is mixed. 

Our music is piano-led, a mix of classic hymns and more contemporary praise songs.

Our service isn't too long. 

Our service usually lasts just over an hour, starting at 9:30 and ending at around 10:40. 

We have Sunday school and Adult Formation. 

During certain seasons (basically aligning with the school year), there is Sunday school and Adult Formation beginning at 11am following our worship service. Nursery care continues during this time. Children (kindergarten through fifth grade) meet in the Art & Music Building (see diagram above) while Adult Formation takes place in Cooke Hall. The Exploration Class (see the "Sunday Morning" page for details) takes place each Spring in the Art & Music Building. Older youth (middle and high school students) are invited to our Adult Formation offerings, which are intentionally planned to be accessible to them. 

NOTE: Parents, please be sure to sign your children in and out of our children's Sunday school classes.

More questions?

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