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The Rev. Nick Lannon continues his study of Acts with a look at chapter 14. Paul and Barnabas preach in Iconium (v.1-7), heal a lame man in Lystra (v.8-10), and correct some pagans who seek to worship them as gods (v.11-18). The crowds are eventually persuaded to stone Paul (v.19), but Paul picks himself up, returns to the churches he's planted, and ends his first missionary journey back in Antioch (v.20-28).
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Luke 13, in which Jesus tells the people to repent, using a parable of a fruitless fig tree. There is still time; turn to the one who can save you: Jesus Christ.
The Rev. Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his class on Revelation with a look at chapter 17. Here, God judges and destroys “Babylon the Great” for leading the nations into idolatry and for persecuting and murdering the saints.
The Rev. Nick Lannon continues his class on the book of Acts with a look at the bulk of chapter 13. First, Paul preaches on the Sabbath in the synagogue in Antioch of Pisidia (v.13-43). Then, he preaches again, with almost the entire city turning out to hear him (v.44-49). Finally for this session, Paul and Barnabas are run out of the city by a mob stirred up by Jews jealous for their synagogue (v.50-52).
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Genesis 15, in which God ratifies his covenant with Abram. Amazing, this covenant is one-sided—God promising to uphold both ends—a grace which finds it final fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
The Rev. Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his study of the book of Revelation with a look at chapter 16. Once the command to execute judgment is given, the plagues follow in rapid succession.
The Rev. Nick Lannon continues his Bible study on Acts with a look at chapter 12 and the beginning of chapter 13. Peter is arrested and then freed from prison (12:1-11) and visits a house church in Jerusalem (12:12-17). Then, Herod kills the soldiers who were guarding him before retreating to Caesarea and dying a gruesome death (12:18-25). Finally for this session, Paul interacts with a Jewish magician and a Roman governor on the island of Cyprus (13:1-12).
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Luke 4, in which Jesus is tempted by Satan. Just as his faithfulness in the desert stands in for Israel's unfaithfulness in their desert, his righteousness stands in for your sin before a holy God.
Continuing his Bible study on the book of Revelation, the Rev. Dr. Michael Nicholson investigates chapter 15, in which God’s righteous judgment and wrath are poured out on the unrepentant world for their idolatry of the beast and their persecution of the saints.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches an Ash Wednesday sermon on Matthew 6, in which Jesus cautions us not to practice our piety before others. Instead, we proclaim our sin and need for a savior...a need met in Christ alone.