The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Luke 3, in which Jesus is baptized. Jesus was obedient to the law, he was the one who fulfilled the law, and he stood in your place under the law...all to save you.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Luke 2, in which the boy Jesus is discovered in the temple. He is about his father's business, the salvation of the world.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Galatians 3 and 4, in which Paul reacts to Christians who would add works what is required for their salvation. He insists that, in Christ, all the work is already done.
On Christmas morning, the Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Titus 3, in which Paul re-centers the church on the most important thing: Jesus Christ come to save sinners.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a Christmas Eve sermon on Luke 2, in which an angel announces the birth of the savior, Jesus Christ.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Hebrews 13, in which Jesus is said to never change and the church is warned away from false teaching. Jesus is the only place to find salvation.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Luke 3, in which John the Baptist points to Jesus. Jesus is even better than John knows, giving his perfection to the imperfect, offering himself as a savior for sinners.
The Rev. Nick Lannon answers questions turned in during the 2024 edition of his class on the biblical worldview. This year, there are questions about non-binary identities in light of Galatians 3:28, women in combat, Paul's opinions vs God's commands, and more.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Malachi 3, in which the prophet likens God to a refiner's fire or a fuller's soap. To purify a sinner into a child of God, it takes nothing less than death and resurrection. In Christ, just that is accomplished.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches an Advent sermon on Jeremiah 33 and Luke 21, in which the coming of redemption is promised in the midst of fear and foreboding. Jesus brings the Good News of salvation.