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The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Hebrews 7, in which Jesus, our great and final High Priest, is compared to the priests appointed by the law. The law can show us our sin, but cannot save us. Only Jesus' perfect sacrifice can save.
The Rev. Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his class on John's Revelation with a look at the opening of the seven seals on the scroll in God's throne room.
The Rev. Nick Lannon kicks off the 2024 "Not a Stewardship Campaign" Campaign with a look at Acts 2 and the radical generosity of the first church community. The source of that generosity? The Good News of Jesus Christ.
The Rev. Nick Lannon continues his Bible study on the book of Acts with a look at Stephen's confrontation and arrest (6:8-7:1) and the first half of his impassioned speech (7:2-41).
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Hebrews 5, in which Jesus is identified as a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. This mysterious king, appearing for just a few verses in the Old Testament, is a window into the Good News of Jesus Christ.
At the 2024 Annual Meeting, the Rev. Nick Lannon gave his "state of the parish" address, John Sweeney gave a Senior Warden's report, and John Fidler shared a Treasurer's report. Finally, Rob Gregor and Mitchell Holley were elected to the vestry.
The Rev. Nick Lannon continues his study of the Book of Acts. In this session, he looks at the Sanhedrin's reaction to Peter's testimony (5:33-42), and a complaint that arises about the daily distribution, which leads to the calling of the first deacons (6:1-7).
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Mark 10 (in which a young man asks Jesus about eternal life) and Hebrews 4 (in which the word of God is likened to a sharp sword). When the law of God splits us open, the Gospel of Christ raises us to new life.
The Rev. Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his class on Revelation with a look at chapter 5, a discussion of the Trinity, and an exploration of the terms, symbols, and concepts of John's continued description of the heavenly throne room.
The Rev. Nick Lannon continues his study of Acts with a look at the signs and wonders being done in the early church (Acts 5:12-16) and the arrest, freeing, and interrogation of the apostles (Acts 5:17-32).