The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Mark 10 (in which a young man asks Jesus about eternal life) and Hebrews 4 (in which the word of God is likened to a sharp sword). When the law of God splits us open, the Gospel of Christ raises us to new life.
The Rev. Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his class on Revelation with a look at chapter 5, a discussion of the Trinity, and an exploration of the terms, symbols, and concepts of John's continued description of the heavenly throne room.
The Rev. Nick Lannon continues his study of Acts with a look at the signs and wonders being done in the early church (Acts 5:12-16) and the arrest, freeing, and interrogation of the apostles (Acts 5:17-32).
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Genesis 2 (the creation of marriage) and Mark 10 (Jesus teaching on divorce). A marriage is meant to be between one man and one woman for life in order to point to Christ's faithfulness to his church.
The Rev. Dr. Michael Nicholson continues his class on the book of Revelation with a look at chapter 4 and John's vision of the heavenly throne room.
The Rev. Nick Lannon continues his study of the Book of Acts with a look at the end of chapter 4 (a radically generous community taking care of any who have needs) and the beginning of chapter 5 (the false witness and judgment of Ananias and Sapphira).
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on the book of Esther, which prefigures the intercession of Jesus Christ: a member of the royal family standing between the people and a judgmental king. Jesus stands for sinners like us.
In this section of his study of the book of Acts, the Rev. Nick Lannon discusses Peter and John before the Council (4:1-22) and the believers’ prayer for boldness (4:23-31).
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Mark 9, in which the disciples, hearing again about Christ's death and resurrection, are afraid to ask Jesus what he means. There is Good News, though: it is to the misunderstanding and the sinful that Jesus comes as savior.