
March 10th, 2024

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on John 3—in which Jesus has a conversation with Nicodemus—and Numbers 21, to which he refers. Jesus is exalted by being lifted up on the cross.

March 10th, 2024
Formation Class

The Rev. Jacob Davis continues his class on the Book of Common Prayer with a look at the final three services of the Daily Office: Midday Prayer, Compline, and Family Prayer.

March 3rd, 2024

The Rev. Jacob Davis preaches a sermon on Exodus 20, in which God gives Moses the 10 Commandments. Even these laws are given in light of the grace of God, who rescues his children.

March 3rd, 2024
Formation Class

The Rev. Jacob Davis continues his tour of the Book of Common Prayer with a look at the two main components of daily Anglican worship: the daily offices of Morning and Evening Prayer.

February 28th, 2024
Formation Class

The Rev. Jacob Davis continues his class on the Book of Common Prayer with a step-by-step examination of the communion service in the 2019 book.

February 25th, 2024

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on God's covenant with Abram (Genesis 12, 15, and 17). Abram believes God, and that faith—instead of any goodness of his own—is credited to Abram as righteousness.

February 18th, 2024

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Genesis 9 and the covenant God made with Noah. All of God's covenants with his people point to his new covenant with us in Jesus Christ, who makes all things new.

February 18th, 2024
Formation Class

The Rev. Jacob Davis continues his class on the Book of Common Prayer with an overview of the 2019 edition, the standard book for use in the ACNA.

February 14th, 2024

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon for Ash Wednesday from Matthew 6, in which Jesus commands us not to practice our piety before men. Our ashen crosses are not a mark of accomplishment; they are a confession of sin.

February 11th, 2024

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Mark 9, in which Jesus is transfigured in the presence of his disciples. Moses and Elijah—the law and prophets—are not equal to Jesus; they point to him.

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