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Church membership is important. Officially joining a local church body is a reflection of the Gospel; it's an outward demonstration of being united to Christ. It also follows the New Testament pattern; in the earliest days of the Christian church, people gathered into groups to care for each other, to break bread and share the cup together as Jesus commanded, and to hear the Good News proclaimed. In addition, it gives Christians an opportunity to exercise their spiritual gifts; in and through the church, we minister to each other and to the world.

Membership at Grace involves signing a Membership Covenant. This covenant entails two basic commitments:

Commitment of Belief: Members of Grace Anglican affirm that Jesus Christ is their savior, having given his righteousness to them in exchange for their sin, forever reconciling them to God. They affirm that the basic beliefs of the Christian church can be found in the historic creeds, especially the Nicene and the Apostles' creeds, and the GAFCON Jerusalem Declaration. They affirm that the Holy Bible contains all things necessary for salvation. 

Commitment of Practice: Members of Grace Anglican pledge to commit to life in community with the church through Sunday worship, Bible study, fellowship, and service to others as often as they are able. They pledge to use their spiritual gifts to build up the body of and pray regularly for Grace Anglican, its members, and the community with which it comes into contact. They pledge to speak positively about Grace Anglican and its leadership, and if they find that they are in conflict with anyone within the church, to approach that person directly in a spirit of love and reconciliation, making every attempt “insofar as it is possible, to be at peace with all people” (Romans 12: 18). 

In addition to signing a Membership Covenant, members of Grace Church:

1) are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2) have completed (or plan to complete at the next opportunity) The Exploration Class.
3) have filled out a current-year pledge card, actively making a financial promise to support the life of the church.

If a member of Grace Church further desires to be a member of the ACNA or be eligible to serve on the vestry (the elected council of advisors to the pastor) of Grace Church, the rite of confirmation or (if confirmed in another tradition) reception into the ACNA by the Bishop is required. 

For more information about membership or baptism, to acquire a pledge card or Membership Covenant, or to learn more about confirmation and reception, contact a member of the clergy, email the church at, or attend The Exploration Class