
May 26th, 2024

On Trinity Sunday, the Rev. Nick Lannon shares two pieces of Good News: the entire Scripture is God's word and trustworthy, and Jesus' sacrificial act is glorious, not monstrous: it's God taking his wrath back onto himself.

May 26th, 2024

During this Missions Presentation, Samir from Intervarsity shares about his work with international students at the University of Louisville and his nation-wide ministry training students and staff to share the Gospel with Muslim students.

May 19th, 2024

On Pentecost Sunday, the Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Acts 2, in which the Holy Spirit is unleashed into the world. The curse of Babel is reversed and the church is made one: one in their need for salvation, and one in its availability in Christ.

May 19th, 2024

Representatives from Refuge International make a presentation about their ministry and the many ways church members can volunteer.

May 12th, 2024

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Acts 1 for the Feast of the Ascension. Jesus goes ahead of us to prepare a place for and to continually intercede on our behalf.

May 5th, 2024

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on 1 John 5, in which the apostle claims that the commandments of God are not burdensome. Jesus bears our burdens for us, giving us his righteousness in exchange.

May 5th, 2024
Formation Class

The Rev. Jacob Davis wraps up his class on the Book of Common Prayer with a look at the episcopal services: the ordination of a deacons and priests, the consecration of bishops, the institution of a rector, and the consecration of a place.

April 28th, 2024

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on John 15, in which Jesus claims to be the true vine. Now, all of God's choosing and saving will take place through him.

April 28th, 2024
Formation Class

The Rev. Jacob Davis continues his class exploring the Book of Common Prayer with a look at the services of Ministry to the Dying and The Burial of the Dead, two of Anglicanism's most powerful liturgies.

April 21st, 2024

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on John 10, in which Jesus compares his ministry as the Good Shepherd to the false ministry of hired hands. Only Jesus will lay down his life for the sheep.

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