In this second session of the 2020 Fall Retreat, Chad Bird discusses something rarely acknowledged: actual, physical appearances of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.
Chad Bird begins the 2020 Fall Retreat with a discussion of how the Old Testament builds upon itself, image upon image and story upon story, to point to Jesus.
The Rev. Nick Lannon kicks off a short teaching series on what the Bible says about stewardship in this video about what Jesus says to a rich young man about his money.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Matthew 22, in which Jesus is asked a question about paying taxes to the emperor. Caesar may get a tiny metal coin, he says, but God, who is actually your owner, gets all of you. And this is wonderfully Good News: your owner is a redeemer and sin forgiver!
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Matthew 22, in which Jesus tells a frightening parable about a wedding feast and a man improperly dressed. To get into the kingdom of God, you must be clothed in the blood of Christ.
George Paz continues his introductory Evangelism class (Good News is for Sharing) with a discussion of how a high view of God's sovereignty in salvation actually fuels evangelism, rather than hinders it.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Matthew 21, in which Jesus tells a parable about some wicked tenants in a vineyard. There's bad news: Jesus' story puts us in the place of these murderous wretches. But incredibly, there is Good News: the very son that is rejected becomes the savior.
George Paz continues his Formation class on Evangelism (Good News is for Sharing) with a discussion of the most common obstacle to sharing our faith: the fear of man. By the grace of God in Jesus Christ, we can overcome even this obstacle and tell others about Jesus' finished work for them.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Matthew 21, in which Jesus tells a short parable about two sons asked to do chores. The only thing that can change a heart of disobedience is the finished work of Christ.
George Paz continues his class, Good News is for Sharing, with a discussion of several common barriers to sharing one's faith, and shows that the path to overcoming each barrier is actually a deeper dive into the Gospel.