The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Matthew 20, in which Jesus tells the parable of the 11th hour workers. Humans think we want fair...but fair is bad news for sinners. The Good News is that God's fairness was laid on Christ on the cross, so that his mercy could be poured out on us.
George Paz begins his Adult Formation class, Good News is for Sharing: An Introduction to Evangelism, with two simple questions on which everything else will be based. First, what is evangelism? Second, what is the Gospel? As we seek to save the lost, these questions will help us approach the task in faith and with confidence.
Dr. Timothy Beougher, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, begins his Evangelism Workshop with sessions on preparing our hearts for evangelism and lifting up our eyes to see the lost around us.
Dr. Timothy Beougher, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, continues his Evangelism Workshop with a session on sharing the Good News and bridges to the Gospel.
Dr. Timothy Beougher, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, concludes his Evangelism Workshop with a session on his "three circles" method to sharing the Good News.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Matthew 18, in which Jesus tells a parable about an unforgiving servant. Is our forgiveness temporary? Can it be revoked? No. On account of Jesus' perfect sacrifice for us, we are reconciled to God forever.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Matthew 18, Jesus' plan for discipline in the church. Is there any Good News here? Yes! The church disciplines itself because of the Gospel, to enable the preaching of the Gospel, and then proclaims that Gospel to people, both within and without. And Jesus' forgiveness is what makes it all possible.
Bishop Quigg Lawrence of the Diocese of Christ Our Hope preaches a sermon on Matthew 16, in which Peter rebukes Jesus. Our human impulse is to try to tell God what should be put ourselves on the throne. But this is bondage. True freedom comes from allowing Christ to be King.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Isaiah 51, in which the prophet tells the people seeking after righteousness that they should keep their eyes on God. This is in contrast to the world's advice ("you do you") and false religion's advice ("become a better you"). The Gospel is that Christ has raised the dead you to new life.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Genesis 45, in which Joseph forgives his brothers, and Matthew 15, in which Jesus talks about what makes a person unclean. The bad news is that the problem is our hearts. The Good News is that our true measure is not how good our hearts are, but how much we've been forgiven.