Bryan Lilly continues his study on the Pastoral Epistles with a look at St. Paul's teaching regarding the Christian’s fidelity to God in light of worldly authority.
The Rev. Jacob Davis preaches a sermon on Genesis 2, in which Eve is created, and Mark 10, in which Jesus discusses divorce. How is a sinful people to be reconciled to God? Christ, the faithful bridegroom, will never leave nor forsake his bride.
Bryan Lilly continues his Pastoral Epistles class with a look at what Scripture and Paul teaches us about relationships within the family of God from 1 Timothy 5.1–2 and Titus 2.1–8.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Steve Breedlove, Bishop of the Diocese of Christ Our Hope, preaches a sermon on the occasion of his parish visit and the celebration of confirmations and receptions in the parish.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Psalm 54 (in which David laments a betrayal), and Mark 9 (in which the disciples argue about who is the greatest). We are all our own worst enemies, rebelling against God and seeking to be in charge. Thankfully, Christ comes for his enemies: sinners.
Bryan Lilly continues his Pastoral Epistles class by teaching on the offices of Bishop, Presbyter, and Deacon from 1 Timothy 3.1-13. He considers the qualifications, functions, and responsibilities for each office, contrasting God's design for Church leadership with the false teachers.
The Refuge International team, led by Executive Director Matt Reynolds, visits Grace Anglican to make a presentation about their many volunteer opportunities.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on James 3, in which the apostle implores Christians not to use their tongues for evil. But how are we to accomplish this? By throwing ourselves back, again and again, on the saving mercies of Christ.
Bryan Lilly continues his Pastoral Epistles class with a special look at Titus 3:5. He considers the phrase "washing of regeneration" as it is used in our liturgy for Holy Baptism and the Thirty-Nine Articles, comparing our theology of baptism to both Roman Catholicism and non-sacramental traditions.
The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Mark 7, in which Jesus claims that nothing can, by going into a person, defile them. Instead, he insists, we are defiled by our sinful hearts. But there is Good News for sinful hearts: Jesus offers a new creation.