
April 25th, 2021
Formation Class

In his final class on the intersections between art and the Gospel, Jacob Davis looks at the Christian creation of art, with a special focus on CS Lewis. He also reviews the three transcendentals: that art be good, true, and beautiful.

April 18th, 2021

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on 1 John 3, in which the apostle says that no one who sins knows Jesus. What does he mean? We cannot claim we have no sin, but we also do not claim that sin doesn't matter. Our lives are reborn and carried to completion in Christ.

April 18th, 2021
Formation Class

Jacob Davis continues his class on art and the Gospel with a look at art in the post-Christian world. Included are surrealism, pop art, kitsch, and the notorious Andres Serrano.

April 11th, 2021

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on John 20, in which Jesus appears to "Doubting" Thomas. The Good News of the Gospel is that when our faith is weak, Jesus' faithfulness is strong. These hard-to-believe things are actually true, for you.

April 11th, 2021
Formation Class

Jacob Davis continues his class on the intersections between art and the Gospel with a discussion of story and stage. This class incudes looks at Shakespeare, Milton, Dante, the genres of the Bible (including horror!), and even Mark Twain and Jack London.

April 4th, 2021

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon for Easter Sunday. Jesus' actual (not metaphorical or symbolic) death and resurrection is only prescription that can solve humanity's actual problem--its death in trespasses and sin. Thankfully, Jesus was in fact raised and we have new life in him!

April 2nd, 2021

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a Good Friday sermon about Jesus' becoming, in his own flesh and blood, God's wedding feast for us sinners.

March 28th, 2021

On Palm Sunday, the Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon about the difference between the Jesus we want (who will use his awesomeness to make us awesome, too) and the Jesus we need (who will put our striving to death and raise us to new life in him). Thank God, we get the Jesus we need.

March 21st, 2021

The Rev. Nick Lannon preaches a sermon on Jeremiah 31, in which God promises to write his law on our hearts. Our problem has never been knowing the law; it's always been failing to love it. Thankfully, God promises us new hearts...a promise made true by the gift of Jesus Christ.

March 21st, 2021
Formation Class

Jacob Davis continues his class on the intersections of art and the Gospel with a look at the baroque, realist, impressionist, and post-impressionist periods. In addition, he does a deep dive on the life, work, and faith of Vincent van Gogh.

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End Date