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Scripture, the Self, and Society

Taught by Dr. Michael Nicholson

Aug 24, 2022 - Nov 9, 2022

The world around us—both the political world as well as large sections of the so-called religious world—is constantly shouting non-biblical ideas about God, about humanity, about identity, about society, and more. And it’s only getting worse; every time they seem to have reached a fever pitch, something happens and the noise increases all the more. In this class, we study scripture, in order to learn about ourselves and about how we might speak truthfully both to and about society. Using an outline provided by Carl Trueman’s book Strange New World, which is an accessible rewrite of his seminal The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, we will investigate the complicated question of just how we got to where we are today and the locate the Bible’s answers to the world’s difficult questions.
